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BioRugged at ID4Africa 2024: Join Us at Booth F10!

Updated: May 15

We're excited to announce that BioRugged will be participating in ID4Africa 2024, the premier event dedicated to the identity management industry. This year’s theme, "Digital Identity as DPI: Fostering Trust, Inclusion & Adoption," is a vital conversation that we are proud to be a part of. As the official Lanyard Sponsor, we are delighted to enhance the networking experience at the event.

Join us at Booth F10 where we will showcase our latest innovations and solutions that continue to push the boundaries of biometric technology. Our team is looking forward to meeting industry peers, discussing our advancements, and exploring new partnerships.

ID4Africa is an annual event that provides a unique platform for stakeholders from across the identity space to exchange knowledge and experiences.

As Lanyard Sponsors, we are excited to contribute to the sense of community and connection at ID4Africa 2024. Every lanyard distributed at the event will carry our name, BioRugged, symbolizing our commitment to quality and innovation in the rugged biometric device market.

We look forward to welcoming you at Booth F10. Come and discover how our solutions are making a tangible difference in identity management across the globe!

For more information on what to expect from our participation and to schedule a meeting with us at the event, please visit our website or contact us directly.

See you there!

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