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X-Ray Results



Medical staff often do not have the lifesaving data they need at their disposal. With mobility, healthcare workers are also pressed to increase productivity, streamline patient services, locate equipment quickly, and administer medication accurately.


Our solutions are designed to instantly capture patient information at point-of-care. All required data is at the healthcare provider's fingertips.  Our solutions increase productivity and streamline patient services. Our unique device features also assist in locating equipment quickly and administering medication accurately.

Doctor Taking Notes


Easily see and access recent procedures, doctor visits, test and exams requested and the outcome of these.
Doctors have quick access to prior diagnoses, any prescribed medication and a general medical history.

Our solution also allows the user to easily and correctly identify patients with the tap of a button.


Referring doctors are able to view the schedules of specialist for purposes of booking appointments. Healthcare workers are also able to access schedules for other hospital staff
and doctors on-the-go.

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BioWolf 8R

BioRugged BioWolf 8R is a fully-featured IP65 mobile tablet. It encapsulates an Android 10 (GMS) Operating System with a
wide selection of fingerprint readers available from Integrated Biometrics and Suprema.

The BioWolf 8R biometric tablet
is perfect for customer registration, population census, medical enrollment, law enforcement and eKYC applications. By expanding it with a
smart card and contactless card reader, the BioWolf 8R becomes a very versatile terminal smart card and contactless
card reader.

Key features on the BioWolf 8R include a 10,000mAh battery with the ability to charge the device directly with the BioRugged 12 to 28W mobile solar panels, pushing the use
case of the 8R to endless possibilities.

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