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We've designed and created solutions with a broad range of features and applications.

View our fully customisable solutions and case studies below to find our recommended products for your specific industry and need.


Biometric devices use a series of variable width lines and spaces to encode data. This is what most people envision when they think about a "barcode.”

Biometrics are physical or behavioral human characteristics that can be used to digitally identify a person. This identification can be for purposes of access control, device usage, or data storage. The most common biometric use is for fingerprint registration.

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Technology enables governments to fulfill their responsibilities to civil society.

Our solutions provide automated business processes, electoral assistance, citizen registration, and more. 


Any modern military is only as good as the technology it employs. As an industry leader, BioRugged is constantly elevating the standards of military technology.

Technology has also become an increasing necessity for local law enforcement and BioRugged solutions are at the forefront of this evolution.

Image by Specna Arms


Field law enforcement officers and first responders must react quickly and accurately to hazardous situations.

BioRugged’s law enforcement technologies include mobile computers, scanners, and printers with tracking and barcode capabilities. These technologies help control access, maintain secure perimeters, and increase visibility and situational awareness.


Stock control and harvest management is often a manual, time-intensive process in agriculture. BioRugged’s recommended devices for agriculture enable easy identification and verification for various tasks, products, and processes in the agriculture sector. 

Farmer at Work
Image by Eduardo Soares


In our digital age Know-Your-Customer (KYC) is more important than ever. Our devices and solutions make customer registration, identifcation, and verification a breeze.

We also offer a range of biometric solutions to banks and other financial institutions. 


Medical staff should be able to access crucial information  during critical times. Our solutions ensure they have instant access to the information they need to save lives. 

Mobile healthcare is also becoming increasingly important. We aid in mobility by delivering solutions that efficiently streamline patient services, locates equipment, and tracks the accurate administration of medication.

Patient with Healthcare Nurse

Contact Us

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+27 870735820

108 11th Street

Parkmore, Sandton, South Africa, 2196

08:00 - 17:00

Monday - Friday

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