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Barley Fields



The agricultural industry faces many inherent challenges. Among these diverse obstacles are the problems experienced in seed delivery. In developing countries, we might find that incorrect seeds are supplied for the specific soil, on a particular farmer’s land. Some farmers may receive two or three seed deliveries while other farmers receive none.


There is a lack of proper stock distribution systems, such as the “First-in-first-out” systems. Also, there is the simple problem of delivery vans battling to find the farm to which they need to deliver.


The RUGGBO and BIOWOLF ranges address these agriculture problems using the latest developments in stock control, biometrics, and geolocation. The rugged IP65 casing, together with the units’ long battery life, enables these units to work in harsh environments. Perfect for the farming logistics environment.
These devices also have built-in 2G, 3G and 4G networking to allow communication wherever there is cellular network coverage. The Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity makes information transfer quick and easy.



All farmers register securely using biometrics.
After registration, they are issued with the correct seed for their  specific farms based on accurate GPS co-ordinates.

Therefore we ensure the right farmer gets the right seeds, on the right farm!


All stock is scanned out of the distribution warehouse via the attached item barcode. The stock is then assigned to a specific farmer on a first-in-first-out basis. This process ensures that specific barcoded stock is marked for delivery to an assigned farmer.

Simplified and accurate stock control. All farmers register securely using biometrics.
After registration, they are issued with the correct seed for their  specific farms, based on accurate GPS co-ordinates. Therefore, we ensure the right farmer gets the right seeds, on the right farm.

Our solution has a built-in GPS navigation system, allowing delivery vehicles to find the right farm with ease. Upon delivery the farmer confirms identification via the biometric feature.
Delivery to the correct GPS location and recipient is confirmed through the scan feature, which allows stock to be scanned out to the farmer. No more duplicate deliveries. 

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Our solution has a built-in GPS navigation system, allowing delivery vehicles to find the right farm with ease.
Upon delivery the farmer confirms identification
via the biometric feature.

Delivery to the correct GPS location and recipient is confirmed through the scan feature, which allows stock to be scanned out to the farmer. No more duplicate deliveries.


Our solutions also offer two-factor identification which requires the farmer to present a contactless card with his biometrics. The same unit is then used to collect the crops at end of the season. Crops are weighed, and all the necessary information is recorded on collection, such as commodity, grade and total. This info is then matched via biometrics to the farmer and placed on his contactless card. The card can then be used to redeem money at specified depots.

Farmer Cutting Cabbage
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