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Civil Registration Kits


Mark 3


Mark 1


Mark MOSIP Mini

Marque 5.1

Mark 3

Mobile Registration Kit

The Mark 3 is an ULTRA compact BEVK (Biometric Enrollment and Verification KIT) with a Thermal Identification Card Printer.

The Mark 3 has the option of an Android or Windows 10 tablet with an additional FAP30 Fingerprint. The tablet can be removed from the case to be used as a verification terminal. Connectivity is provided by LAN (RJ45), 2/3/4G Mobile internet, WIFI, Bluetooth, NFC, and GPS.

Mark 3

Mark 1

Mobile Election KIT (BVV / BVR)

The Mark 1 is an ULTRA compact BVV / BVR (Biometric Enrollment and Verification KIT) with a Thermal Identification Card Printer.

All BioRugged™ kits share a common platform and are laptop/notebook based and can be customized for the specific need of a customer. The kit can be deployed rapidly and with ease. It has a long endurance of 8 hours plus of continuous operations. The kit has various additional options that can be integrated to assist with any type of project and ensure successful implementation. 

Mark 1

Mark MOSIP Mini

MOSIP Enrolment Kit

The World’s only compact Biometric Suitcase

The BioRugged™ Mark 2 MOSIP is a versatile Biometric kit platform that has been developed to assist in biometric enrolment (e.g., for voting, National ID/Passport, or other identity programs), under the MOSIP framework.

All BioRugged™ kits share a common platform and are laptop/notebook based and can be customized for the specific need of a customer. The kit can be deployed rapidly and with ease. It has a long endurance of 8 hours plus of continuous operations. The kit has various additional options that can be integrated to assist with any type of project and ensure successful implementation. 
The kits for the MOSIP framework are guaranteed MOSIP compliant. BioRugged works closely with MOSIP and the MOSIP community to ensure ongoing development.

Mark Mosip Mini