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Our range has unique features for any use case.  Our expertise lies in creating rugged, biometric and BVR Suitcases, or a combination of these technologies for a wide range of applications.


We produce devices that can quickly and effectively identify individuals through the use of biometrics (fingerprint, facial, and iris recognition). These can be used to register or identify people in any location at any time.


All our rugged devices have an IP65 or above-rugged rating, made for the most extreme conditions. These devices are both durable and affordable including options for rural and urban deployment.




"First and foremost we must stress that BioRugged has been impeccable in all aspects, from the marketing to the technical or logistical points of view."

Mr. Mallikarjun Ujja / Director / Channel IT, Nigeria

"BioRugged has always shown commitment to MTN business and acted like a truly professional company. MTN Côte D'Ivoire would recommend any other concern to utilize them in their core competencies."

Beonao Dehe Eloge Falvien / CIO / MTN Ivory Coast

"They are professional and attend to us and field problems at all times promptly, even though we are in a different time zone."

Mr. William Sanchez CEO / CEO / Milcomtech Colombia


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Android zero-touch enrollment



Android Enterprise Silver partner

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Identity Day Campaign Coalition Partner

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